Refresh is on the road again.

Refresh Mobile food Pantry was back in operation for December after having to replace the motor in our truck. A very costly unexpected expense and a hit on our funds for buying food. Please consider hitting that donate button at the top of this page and become a monthly donor.

Just 2 days after Christmas, the trailer was loaded up with groceries, and the volunteers had their cars packed with home cooked food to once again serve the Myrtle Beach homeless/low income-based population at the Community Kitchen on Mr. Joe White Ave. It was another huge turnout of guests needing food, clothing, shoes, blankets, and personal hygiene essentials. We take in donations of all kinds so if anyone out there would like to donate other than monetary donations you may contact me, and I will be happy to meet up with you. This time we had plenty of volunteers to manage each of our stations. We had our buffet, this time twice the size, we had our trailer station serving groceries, and we had a clothing table.

Each and every guest was polite and thankful for all they received. It simply warms my heart to see the appreciation on their faces. Times are tough on all of us right now as we face the ever-changing world. But can you for one moment try to imagine living a life in their shoes? For some of us we can honestly say yes! How then, can we sit back and not do more to help?

I personally lived in a tent for almost a month, I had lost my job and couldnt find work right away. Went through my savings trying to get by, and the next thing I knew I was evicted from my home. I couldn’t catch a break at first and I had no one to turn to for help. I set up my tent, finally landed a job, saved all I could while living out there in the wilderness. By the grace of God I was able to save enough to relocate here and start over. But so many people out there never catch that break. To get a job you need a decent outfit, a haircut, a clean shave even. Yes, we have shelters, but not everyone gets in, and sometimes, their number is drawn and have to give up their bed for the night. I see their struggles, I lived their struggles, and now, I’m trying to do all I can to help as are Refresh Volunteers. If you would like to join our team or want to help in anyway, please either contact me and/or hit that DONATE button today!! Thank you and God Bless you!!


Thanksgiving with Love